I'm proud to present you "You know u lying". After a long time working on this track its finally finished. Enjoy the mix of piano and vocal sounds! Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/officialdjthreewi Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC41P-wgNKVpiarrCUaDaMmw?view_as=subscriber Like and subscribe for more!

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8 years ago
You have my support!! Vote back and comment in my track please! Sure you like it!!!
8 years ago
hello!)Cool job) shakes)) Leave your voice s you) respect) And by the way if not difficult to listen to my work)I'm a novice first time here)If someone will like the track! then vote please))Rus Energy - Coming To Ya (radio e
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
beautiful track congratulations !!!!! voted and supported !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please vote for my new track Nightmare vol 2.0 !!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and good day!!!
8 years ago
Really good Track ! Voted Please vote me back "your heart at mind" and we can work together if your agree Thanks:)
8 years ago
Hey, Great Stuff!!! Voted for you! Please listen to my Track and Vote when you like it!thx
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