Tim Olsson-Deep Voice(Original Mix)
Highest rank 693

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4 years ago
Nice track nice music voted for you and you can vote for me good luck keep it up and need your support please
4 years ago
Cool track mate!
4 years ago
Hey there! I voted for your track! It would be nice if you could do the same and vote back on my track 'Last One to Die'! Thank you! L3xM
4 years ago
Hi Amazing track! Awesome style sound! 👍👍 Excellent! good energy! I voted for you. Thanks in advance if you also vote and share my music "TRUE LOVE" ☀️👍,. and for your comments and likes on Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram... I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) If you like, subscribe to my youtube channel, with bell activation, to know when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck! 😊🎧👍
4 years ago
Nice music... voted! please check on my track Clock Is Ticking and vote it if you like it...thanks!!
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