Electric Elephants

Jay Hardway, remix by: ToxicFu3l


This Is My New Electric Elephants Remix!!!

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Chris El Greco
9 years ago
Voted! :) Awesome track! Could you vote back? Vote, and i'll vote back + give you feedback! https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/edmchris/track/details/46488
AymƎn 020
9 years ago
Hey bro we have Same kind of music we have the Same style for that we could give opinion for each other i think you have a Good idea but there are à litle problème on mastering à small one hhh i suported you Give yours Pls and vote if you like Jay Hardway Electric Elephants (ZeDGe Remix N°2) https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/aym-n-020/track/details/43067
9 years ago
Voted ! let me know what you think about my track! https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/br3iz/track/details/46652
9 years ago
voted! vote for me -> https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/sangkidz/track/details/47036
Julyan Jerome
9 years ago
Voted! Please support me back by listening to my latest track and maybe even let me know what you think about it: https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/bratis-music/track/details/47325 Thank you! https://soundcloud.com/peterivan/waterloo
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