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4 years ago
WiMax Music
4 years ago
Nice track Twinsnake, vibe that you can easily feel. Voted for you! Check out my tracks 'Go Back' or remix of 'Tell Me a Lie' and leave a vote if you like them! You can also follow me on SoundCloud, leave a like and comment. Good luck in the charts!
Martin Time
4 years ago
Nice vibe love it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 vote for your track please give a vote for my track latest track, let it leak, and check out my other one slip and slide I will also follow your socials, on soundcloud I will follow you back when you follow me please support me and we can support each other
4 years ago
Salut TWINSNAKE, je ne vais pas te raconter de conneries genre « ton titre est merveilleux », alors que je ne l'ai pas écouté comme tous les autres qui te laissent des commentaires alors qu’en vrai, tout ce qu’ils veulent c'est faire la promo de leurs musiques. Je vais faire simple, viens découvrir mon dernier titre avec Lusio Cors ► feel that power♫ Si tu aimes, like ♥ (dis le moi je ferais de même pour ton morceau) Ciao ㋡
4 years ago
Super job! 👍 Great sound project! 👍 Congrats..,! I voted for you. Thanks in advance if you also vote and share my music "TRUE LOVE" ☀️👍,. and for your comments and likes on Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram... I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) If you like, subscribe to my youtube channel, with bell activation, to know when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck! 🎧👍
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