
new track enjjoy

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5 years ago
love those tech house vibes,that bass is too good,really nice mix bro!Voted! Vote me back if you like on my new remix of "the him" ;) Good Luck!
Max Madd
5 years ago
Hey Meros, you have my vote ! Make sure to follow my Soundcloud (400k plays) 📡 and Instagram (30k followers) 📲 : @maxmaddmusic Good luck in the charts ! 📀
Andrew Terpo
5 years ago
Nice track! voted!, Please listen and vote to my new remix "Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (Andrew Terpo Remix)" and if you want let me know what you think with a comment. follow me on Spotify, YouTube and SoundCloud. Thanks so much! :-)
5 years ago
Hi Amazing track! Awesome style sound! Excellent! good energy! I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my track-"VAMOS LÁ VENCER" i give you suport on Soundcloud and Youtube. Follow me on Twitter: @lusitany I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thank you in advance if you share my music. ☀️👍,. for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube... more than 3000 views on youtube. If you want, subscribe to my youtube channel to see when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck!
Tom VerXon
5 years ago
Hi, Your track is very original ! I vote for it and i see the work ! I you have 3 mins, i just sent the mastered studio version of my track "LookUp". I worked hard with a sound engineer for this version and I would like to know what you think about it. Feel free to listen to both versions to compare and push the volume to the limit to appreciate:) Thank you in advance and good luck for the charts
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