Highest rank 166

again from my album excluded :) nuevamente de mi album excluded

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7 years ago
Great job! I'm sure that you will go far. I'll see you in the top 100 If you could check out my latest track SHOCKWAVES that would be really appreciated. Best wishes for the future. LISTØN
7 years ago
super track !!! love it !!! crazy rhythm !!! vote +support !! please vote our last track " Tell me " if you like !!! GOOD LUCK !!!
Neon Ace
7 years ago
Hi, nice track! Absolutely you got my vote, great melody and unique! Good job with the sounds, everything goes very well with each other. What's your SoundCloud? I can help you by reposting it! Please, could you also support me by voting on my track "BREAK MY HEART". Keep It Up, Bro -NEON ACE
7 years ago
Great job! I'm sure you'll get far. I will see you among the best. vote for my remix of Throttle & niko the kid,
Bohdan Bohoslavets
7 years ago
Nice track, voted. !! Could you vote for my track "The cry of the soul", thanks.
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