My complete track for the Trobi finish the track contest. Hope you guys like it. Cheers!!

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James Holland
7 years ago
Hi there. I have left a vote for your track. Could you vote back for my latest track, "Stay" please? Thank you.
Ro Revrock
7 years ago
voted !! please vote for vote.. i've got a new track on soundcloud called: Ocean. it's a great electro house tune beauty from Rorevrock ... hope you will like and share it. vote for me and leave a comment, i will vote back if you comment and have voted for me. ..........
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my EVERLASTING! Ppthanks! Over 20k soundcloud plays!
N Effect Music
7 years ago
Great work on finishing this track! I love the dynamics on this one and the chord progression. I am giving you my vote for your work on this one and hope you do well in the contest. Please vote back for my track "TOO FUNKY". Good luck to you!!
7 years ago
you really do the good work mate! voted! Will you please vote also to my track “tonk”? Thanks! Good luck :)
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