This is my remix for the "Late At Night" remix contest. I really put my effort into making this and I hope you guys will enjoy my work. I am however proud of how the track turned out and I think it would fit perfectly a crazy night at a crazy club ;)

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5 years ago
Crazy idea, nicely done got my vote x
DJ Rade
5 years ago
VICHINGO cool remix bro! Could you listen to mine as well and leave some feedback please?
5 years ago
Not bad at all, I really like the bassline in the drop, amazing vibes, voted!! Check my 'With you' remix and vote!! Good luck!
5 years ago
Crazy drop dang. Good job. Voted
5 years ago
!Hey Bro! I've listened to your track, that's cool! Voted<3 Could you vote and give your opinion on my latest remix "Late At Night"? Thanks for your music and for your support<3 BAEER
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