Adele - Set Fire To The Rain (WildanRahmadi Remix)
WildanRahmadi, remix by: WildanRahmadi
New Remix DROOPPPP!!!
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8 years ago
Hey man nice track! If you vote my "Fade Remix" I vote back ypur track :) Good Luck for the contest bro (y)
8 years ago
Loved Your Song, WildanRahmadi...Voted You:) It would be nice if you listen to my track - One Call Away (TuneBoy Remix)
Vote it if You like....
Good Luck
Thank You
8 years ago
voted bro really good work! my remix (watermat - Fade) is #15! check out and Vote back!
you can check in my suported tracks quickly , attention you can see only my last 5 track supported! that don't mean that a haven't vote you bro
8 years ago
Amazing remix, I am sure this will do well and be at the top of spinning charts in few weeks time voted! Please listen to my track by my side and vote!
8 years ago
Really nice track! can you vote my track " Fifteen " ? if done , comment below, Dont worry i'm vote you back!^^