A lot of notable artists have described this track as our most advanced and interesting piece of work to date, we couldn't be more pleased to finally share it with all of you. Take the time to turn off all the lights to achieve the full affect and atmosphere we had whilst creating the song. Facebook: www.facebook.com/ginandtonicofficialdj Instagram: instagram.com/ginandtonicdj/ Artwork: www.facebook.com/TrismiqMusic?fref=ts

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Peter Ivan
10 years ago
Voted! Please support me back by listening to my latest track TeraWave and maybe even let me know what you think about it. https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/peter-ivan/track/details/22231 https://soundcloud.com/peterivan/terawave https://www.facebook.com/petteriwan69?fref=ts Thank you!
9 years ago
Hi !!! good sounds !!! voted !!! this is my new track for Spinnin´ Records, XTX - Stella (Original Mix) !!!, Maybe you can take a listen, and if you like of course, VOTE !!!, thanks for your time and vote !!! good luck !!! https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/xtx/track/details/30356