hey guys this is my first track!!!hope you guys will like it and support thanks!!! -YuvaaN

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8 years ago
Nice track! Voted and reposted on Soundcloud! I would be happy if you vote for my Song „Dance!“. Thx and good luck with the contest! :)
8 years ago
Good track, voted!!!! Visit my last track Sunshine and vote, thanks!
8 years ago
Quite an excellent, decent track! My friend I vote! If there is any doubt in my voice, write me your mail to the page and I'll send a screen. Please vote for my track Fairy Tale! There is a saying the hand of a hand washes. I helped you out, and you help me out in a voice. I hope to see you in the top! Good luck!
Max Madd
8 years ago
Hey YuvaaN, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic Good luck!
Yosa Nugraha
8 years ago
Nice ! voted ! Check out my Brand new Music and vote if you like it !
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