Why Not?
Highest rank 144

XQUE NO vivir del arte? XQUE NO disfrutar de tus sueños fuera de un hobbie? XQUE NO existir sin miedo a quedar sin dinero?😡 Estoy chato que me digan que no puedo logran nada sin 💰 y tu?

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a year ago
Hello bro, I ask for your vote for my new track, I already voted for yours, hugs
a year ago
Cool track. Good transitions. Nice work! 💪🏽 voted you up. Check out my single 👊🏽
Javier Areda
a year ago
Hey ! Cool track :') Please keep making more music ❤ Btw, I'd love if you support my song called 🔥🔥🔥MI FUERZA🔥🔥🔥 You are not ready for the 2nd drop at full volume 🔥 Please tell me what you think! I'll be waiting for you comment ❤
a year ago
Hi dude, I just listened to your track and it sounds dope, totally outstanding!! I would be happy to receive your personal feedback on my last release called: Nothing Also, if you like it may can give me a vote, that would means a lot! Many thanks and see you up in the high spots ;)